7 Ways to Repair Your Singing Voice
Aug 05, 2019In today’s world of instant gratification and constant marketing, it’s hard for today’s singers to be able to stand out from the crowd and keep their voices in perfect health. That is why here at The Vocalist Studio, we are here to help vocal athletes like you learn how to repair your singing voice, anytime, anywhere throughout the day.
So without further ado, let’s begin!
1) Get Plenty of Rest
As the old cliche goes, “your health is your wealth.” If you ever want to become the best singer that you can possibly be, it’s important that you learn to maintain your vocal health as best as possible.
Your vocal folds, much like the rest of the muscles in your body, need plenty of rest in order to be of use for many years to come. If you aren’t able to perform during the night of a concert, don’t panic!
Your fans would much rather see you lively and happy on stage then miserable and disappointed. So don’t see getting sick as a hindrance to your image.
2) Do Mental Vocal Exercises
Given that singing is both a sport and an art, it’s important that you exercise your talent in more than one way.
In addition to performing warmups and cooldowns, one of the ways in which you can give your voice plenty of rest while getting ready for the concert is by performing mental vocal exercises.
To do so, all that you need to do is close your eyes and rehearse in your head. Practice those tricky notes and riffs on repeat. Write them down if you need to! Imagine yourself perfecting them over and over.
We swear that it works every time!
3) Use "Marking" If You Must Rehearse
In a nutshell, “marking” is a technique used by singers to remember how the song is supposed to sound without singing the whole song.
While there are many ways to do so, two of the most common ways are to either sing or talk through only the first & last 3-4 words of each section (verse, Chorus, Bridge, etc.). From there, you can turn up the microphone as loud as possible and stop the moment you start to sing the entire song.
For advanced singers, this technique is especially useful when preparing for a concert.
4) Spend About 5-10 Minutes Doing Light Warm-Ups At Regular Intervals Throughout The Day

Even when you’re sick, it’s important that you spend at least 5-10 minutes doing light warm-ups at regular intervals throughout the day.
This way, you are less likely to strain your voice prior to the date of the concert and your body would remember exactly what to do when it’s your turn to shine on stage.
5) Concoct a Potent Immunity Booster Tea
While there are many ways to create a tea that’s right for you, here at TVS, we recommend this amazing recipe that utilizes garlic, ginger, honey, lemon, and of course, water!
To make it, all that you need to do is combine one clove of crushed fresh garlic with a teaspoon of grated ginger, a teaspoon of manuka honey, and a quarter amount of lemon juice in a nice, hot teapot filled with water. From there, you can steep the tea for as long as you want and enjoy it~
For extra immunity, pair it with vitamin C, zinc & garlic supplements. You can also use an organic voice inhaler if need be.
That’s it!
6) Build Up Your Confidence With Positive Thinking
Instead of focusing on how sick you feel, imagine yourself busting your moves and showing the audience what a true vocal athlete can do! When it comes to putting on live performances, your attitude truly determines your altitude.
If it helps, draw some funny pictures from your favorite cartoon or television show and imagine yourself performing a concert better than your fictional heroes.
7) Have Fun Before, During and After the Gig
Art, unto of itself, is filled with imperfections. Even if your gig is not your best gig, just remember that each one is there to help you become a better singer and performer.
In other words, “Accept the world as imperfect, unfinished, and transient, and then go deeper and celebrate that reality” (wabi-sabi philosophy).
Being a performer is about being to connect with the human mind, body, and spirit. As long as you can leave your fans a positive image of yourself, it’s okay if you’re not feeling your physical best. Be honest and enjoy the moments while they last!
You’re definitely not the only singer who has to deal with voice fatigue.
In Conclusion
By following these tips:
- Get plenty of rest
- Do mental voice exercises
- Use “marking” when you must rehearse
- Spend 5-10 minutes a day doing light warmups
- Concoct an immunity tea
- Build your confidence with positive thinking
- Have fun!
You should be able to repair your singing voice in no time!
In the meantime, are there any other tips we should add to our list? Let us know in the comments below!
Also, make sure you join The Vocalist Studio Group on Facebook for help from our community of singers and coaches and subscribe to The Vocalist Studio YouTube Channel for More Help and Content! Otherwise, pick up a copy of Robert Lunte’s “4 Pillars of Singing” if you want to continue improving your talent!?em>
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